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Goal and Motivation


The goal of ASPIS is to give users a warning that seizure like systems are being detected in the brain waves prior to a seizure happening, and to alert supplied contacts so that family and friends can be notified of the seizures.


The motivation for ASPIS stems from the fact that seizures can come and go undetected, or can come hard and have lasting impact. It is the aim of ASPIS to give users, cheap, simple way of preparing themselves and providing emergency dialing to whoever necessary so they may live easier with the disorder.


Project Name
Team Members & E-mail Address
Faculty Sponsor

First Semester

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Second Semester

Plan (Jan 17)
Milestone 4 (Feb 12)
Progress Evaluation
Milestone 5 (Mar 19)
Milestone 6 (Apr 16)

ASPIS Resources

Links : 

GITHUB Repositories

Languages Used : Python

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